
Showing posts from January, 2020

What is NMAP

Nmap stands for network mapper. It is one of the best networking scanning tool. You can download nmap from (official site). In ethical hacking nmap is used for scanning purpose of network to find the system information like system IP Address, Operating system name, System User name, All open and closed ports. How to install nmap in windows? Step 1: Download   nmap from its official site ie Step 2: Double click the exe file and follow the instruction Step 3: Enjoy How to install nmap in Linux? Step 1: Upgrade the system package list with command "sudo apt-get update" Step 2: Install NMAP with command "sudo apt-get install nmap" Step 3: When prompt for Yes Or No Type Yes and press Enter Step 4: Enjoy by verifying with "nmap  --version"

What is AKO Ransomware

What is AKO Ransomware ? It is latest ransomware in the news. According to experts AKO ransomware targeting the entire network rather than single system or workstation. Effects of AKO ransomware         It steals important data from system like save passwords, documents.         Whenever AKO infected, it first deletes all recent backups and system files         After AKO infected, if we try to encrypt data it skips all important file type like exe, dll, ini,         And at last it places a file on desktop name “ako-readme.txt”  for ransome How to remove AKO from system? Start your system in SAFE MODE   Open the browser and download any anti spy tool Install the anti spy tool and update it Scan the whole system and remove “AKO” from system