
Showing posts from April, 2018

What are the common ports of networking ?

What are the common ports of networking ? There are total 65,535 ports in networking and some are mention below : 20-21 - FTP (File Transfer Protocol) 22 - SSH (Secure SHell) 23 - Telnet 25 - SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol) 49 - TACACS 53 - DNS (Domain Name Services) 67-68 - DHCP (UDP) 69 - TFTP (UDP) 80 - HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) 110 - POP3 111 - RPC 123 - NTP (UDP) 135 - Windows RPC 137-138 - NetBIOS 139 - SMB 143 - IMAP 161 - SNMP (UDP) 179 - BGP 201 - AppleTalk 389 - LDAP 443 - HTTPS 445 - SMB 514 - Syslog 520 - RIP 546-547 - DHCPv6 902 - VMWare 1194 - VPN 1433-1434 - MSSQL 1521 - Oracle 3306 - MySQL 3389 - RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) 5432 - Postgres 5900 - VNC 6667 - IRC 9001 - TOR 9100 - JetDirect ​