Scanning is an Active Technique used for Information Gathering. This is the very important step for hacking, it is also known as Pre-Attack phase. An Attacker can find the following information about the target using scanning:
1. Active IP addresses from a Range
2. Operating System name
3. System Architecture
4. Services running and ports open on each computer
There are three types of scanning:
I> Port Scanning
II> Network Scanning
III> Vulnerability Scanning
What is Port Scanning ?
Port Scanning is a technique to scan a open port of server or hosts to compromise system. Here attackers find the open ports of system then by pass it through script or some tools in order to compromise the system.
What is Network Scanning ?
Network Scanning is a technique which is used to identify the active hosts on a network with a specific purpose such as Auditing or Attacking.
What is Vulnerability Scanning ?
This is a technique is used to directly identify the vulnerabilities of system or network.
What are the things we find during Scanning ?
1. Active IP of Live system
2. System Architecture and Operating System Name
3. Open ports of live system
4. Services running on active system
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