What is Google Hacking

Google is the most popular search engine now a days and its created by Standford students Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

Let us first understand how google works when we hit or enter our query or url.

Now we understand how google works. After hitting our query google starts gathering information from web related to our query and this is done with the help of program called Indexers or Spiders. They are automated web browsers program which follow all the links they see on the Pages and once they fetched, an Intelligent System decides how the pages are indexed.

Google Hacking - Introduction

Let me clear that google hacking dont means that we are hacking google, this term specifies that its a technique to find information or security vulnerabilities related to our target from google database with the help of google hacking.

Google Cache

Google keeps the copy of every website on it's server which is termed as Google's cache.

for example: Go to google and search for google cache and open the link
http://cachedview.com/ and type the exact url like http://www.yourwebname.com and click on google web cache and you will be able to visit the website without hitting the website's url on the url bar so its completely anonymous visit to target's website and find the important information with logging your IP address to target's website.

Basic Search Operators

1. Phrase search [" "]
Use double quotes and search term like "web hacking" to get the exact match

2. Terms you want to exclude [-]
Use the minus operator to mention Negative Keywords. For example: If you search for web hosting and want the exact match appears for web hosting but don't want that free web hosting to appear in the results so to do that we use minus sign like [web hosting -free] which exclude free hosting in results.

Fill in the blanks [*]
The * or wildcard is a very powerful. If you include * within your query its tell google to try to find the best matches for this query for example: hacking*

The OR operator
The name suggest if you place an OR operator between two keywords, it will find pages which contain either of keyword
for example: hack OR crack

Some of Advanced Search Operators

1. Want to find on pdf file from google
site: websitename.com filetype:pdf
if your website contains the pdf file it will give the pdf file link

2. Want to find pdf file with certain topics like hacking
site: hacking filetype:pdf
It will give the exact website pdf link which has pdf related to hacking.

3. Want to view live camera go to google and type
inurl view index.shtml now click on links and enjoy live camera hacks.

Note: Experiment is the only source of great knowledge so keep experimenting things. want to know more about google hacking terms mail me at ajashworld@outlook.com to get pdf file on google hacking.
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About Ajay

Ajay Singh is a professional programmer and loves to explore anything related to computer.
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