
Showing posts from August, 2017

What is Scanning ?

Scanning is an Active Technique used for Information Gathering. This is the very important step for hacking, it is also known as Pre-Attack phase. An Attacker can find the following information about the target using scanning: 1. Active IP addresses from a Range 2. Operating System name 3. System Architecture 4. Services running and ports open on each computer There are three types of scanning: I> Port Scanning II> Network Scanning III> Vulnerability Scanning What is Port Scanning ? Port Scanning is a technique to scan a open port of server or hosts to compromise system. Here attackers find the open ports of system then by pass it through script or some tools in order to compromise the system. What is Network Scanning ? Network Scanning is a technique which is used to identify the active hosts on a network with a specific purpose such as Auditing or Attacking. What is Vulnerability Scanning ? This is a technique is used to directly identify the vul...

How to create a password reset disk

Want to create a password reset disk, so that in future if you forgot your password you can change your windows password easily. To do that please follow the steps :  Step 1 :  Insert your removable media like pendrive Step 2 :  Open user Accounts by clicking start button,clicking Control Panel then User Accounts and Family Safety and click on User Account. Step 3 :  In the left pane click Create a password reset disk then follow the instruction by clicking next and then select your removable media and click next I/O will ask for current user account password and after putting the password click on next the finish. It will create a file name userkey.psw in your removable media store it in a save location. Password reset disk creates  successfully  Hurray ! Now test it using below steps Step 1 :  Restart your system or logoff using windows+L Step 2 :  Now give wrong password and reset password link will appea...

How to change windows password from CMD(command prompt)

Suppose you want to change the windows password but forgot the old password then to change new password follow the steps: Step 1 :  Go to start, run then type CMD and right click on it select run as administrator Step 2 :  Now type net user to find all the user account Step 3 :  Once you get the user name type net user and user name to get information about the user and type net user user name and * to change the password. For example: net user test *  Step 4 :  Now you are done after typing net user user_name * hit enter then it ask for new password the type the password and hit enter again, it will ask to retype the password and hit enter then a message appear “The command completed successfully”. Enjoy password changed successfully.

What is Google Hacking

Google is the most popular search engine now a days and its created by Standford students Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Let us first understand how google works when we hit or enter our query or url. Now we understand how google works. After hitting our query google starts gathering information from web related to our query and this is done with the help of program called Indexers or Spiders. They are automated web browsers program which follow all the links they see on the Pages and once they fetched, an Intelligent System decides how the pages are indexed. Google Hacking - Introduction Let me clear that google hacking dont means that we are hacking google, this term specifies that its a technique to find information or security vulnerabilities related to our target from google database with the help of google hacking. Google Cache Google keeps the copy of every website on it's server which is termed as Google's cache. for example: Go to google and search...