
Showing posts from July, 2017

What is Footprinting

Footprinting is the technique of Gathering Information about the target. This is the very first stage of hacking. There are two stages of footprinting : 1. Active Stage 2. Passive Stage Active Stage In active stage of footprinting or Information Gathering, attacker or hacker used to collect information about target or victim actively means target or victim knows the attacker but he don't know his intention. Let me clear with an example:  Let us assume that Mx. Target is a very rich person and Mr. Hacker want to steal some files from his computer. In order to do that Mr. Hacker meets the Mr. Target in some business meetings and offer a friendship which is accepted by Mr. Target. So from now Mr. Target know Mr. Hacker but don't know his intention. As time passes, both will become a good friend and started sharing their personals like images, business tips, computer. So from now Mr. Hacker has access to Mr. Target's computer access and he can do whatever...

How to use Windows Commands ?

Press window key type CMD and right click on CMD icon then select open with administrators right 1.   SYSTEMINFO : The systeminfo command is used to display system information. 2.  Getmac : The getmac command is used to display mac information.  3.  DIR : The dir command is used to display a list of files and folders contained inside the folder that you are currently working in.   4.  Ver : The ver command is used for version information of system. 5.  Date : The date command is used for date information update new date. 6.  Tree : The tree command is used graphical display of folder structure. 7.  Attrib : The attrib command is used to change the read/write attributes of a single file or a directory. 8.  Auditpol : The auditpol command is used to display or change audit policies . 9.  Schtasks.exe : The schtasks .exe command is used to schedule command and other programs ...

What are the steps for hacking

There are five steps for hacking: 1. Information Gathering : It is the very first step for hacking, we must know our target first. Means we must know the behaviour of the target that is what is his/her favourite pass time or how handy he/she is with computer, what is his/her expertness. 2. Scanning : Here we first scan all the information which is gathered in Information Gathering and find out the correct ones only. For example: Let us assume that Mr. X is our target and we have information he reaches his office at 8:35 am then a Hacker must go to Mr. X office location just to find that the information is correct or not. 3. Gaining Access : After scanning all the information of the target we can easily know the weak points of our target and can easily gain access to them. 4. Maintaining Access : This is very important step, here we must create a backdoor to our targets system to maintain our access and easily find his/her activities. 5. Clearing tracks : Before leaving fr...